Dental coverage provides periodic preventive care and, if there’s a problem, helps with the cost of dental work.
Delta Dental PPO
Plan Information
Plan Name: Delta Dental PPO
Policy Number: 19045
Effective Date: 01/01/2025
Provider Network: Delta Dental
In-Network Benefit Highlights
Deductible (Individual/Family)
Out-of-Pocket Max (Individual/Family)
Preventive Care
Primary Care Visit
Specialist Visit
Urgent Care
Emergency Room
Benefit Highlights
Deductible (Individual/Family)
Plan Maximum
Preventive Care
$0 (coverage limited to 2 times per calendar year)
Basic Services
20% after deductible
Major Procedures
40% after deductible
Orthodontia (Adults and Children)
50% up to a lifetime maximum benefit of $2,000 per individual; deductible waived
Deductible (Individual/Family)
Plan Maximum
Preventive Care
$0 (coverage limited to 2 times per calendar year)
Basic Services
20% after deductible
Major Procedures
40% after deductible
Orthodontia (Adults and Children)
50% up to a lifetime maximum benefit of $2,000 per individual; deductible waived